How to prepare for your upcoming test.
For accurate test results, it is very important to prepare your body properly. Please follow the procedures required for your particular test.
If you are DIABETIC, please inform the Office at time of booking.
If your test is not listed here, there is likely no preparation required.
Select your test from the list below:
What is an Ultrasound
An ultrasound is a procedure in which high-energy sound waves are bounced off internal tissues or organs and make echoes. The echo patterns are shown on the screen of an ultrasound machine, forming a picture of body tissues called a sonogram.
AM appointments: Fat free dinner night befor. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.
PM appointments: Fat free breakfast before 9am then clear fluids (nomilk products). Nothing 2 hours prior to study.
Stomach must be empty. Bladder must be full, or test may have to be rebooked.Abdomen and Pelvic together
AM appointments: Nothing to eat or drink after midnight. Drink 40 oz. of water (5 eight oz. Glasses or 1.5 L).
Must finish drinking ONE hour before study. DO NOT void before the test.
PM appointments: Eat fat free breakfast. Must finish drinking 40 oz. of fluid ONE hour before study.
DO NOT void before the test.
All Pelvic
Female or Male, Obstetrics (less than 22 weeks)
Drink 40oz. of water (5 eight oz. Glasses or 1.5 L). Must finish drinking ONE hour before study.
Do not void before the test. Bladder must be full, or test may have to be rebooked.
Greater than 22 weeks
Drink 24 oz. (3 eight oz. Glasses or 1 L) of water. Must finish drinking ONE hour before study.
Do not void before the test. Bladder must be full, or test may have to be rebooked.
The college of Physicians and Surgens of ntario prohibits disclosure of the sex of the baby(unless ordered by the physician for medical reason.).
The Technologist is NOT ALLOWED to tell you the sex of the baby.
Male Prostate - Transrectal
- Proceed with enema 2 hours prior to exam.
- Drink 40 oz. of water. Finish drinking ONE hour before study.
- Do not void before study.
- Scrotum / Testes
- Head / Neck
- Do not void before study.
- Musculo Skeletal
- All others
Upper GI, BA Swallow
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight
- Do not smoke or chew gum
- On day of study, after shower, do not use deodorant or power particles ruin mammogram. -wear a 2 piece outfit.
- Avoid Caffeine to reduce breast tenderness. If having severe premenstrual tenderness, rebook appointment.
- Please bring previous mammogram done at other facility. Comparison to previous study significantly improves interpretation and reduce need for extra views.
- Our office will contact you if Radiologist requires more views to make interpretation og mammogram and/or recommendations.